06/03/2024 - 06/08/2024 M - F, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Grades 7th to 8th Level 3 Play
Material:Full Audition Packets will be posted on your Google Classroom. Students should be ready to perform sides at the audition. Bring your headshot and resume, and make sure your audition form has been submitted on your Google Classroom.
Dates:Auditions will be on Friday May 31st from 4:30-7:30PM
Rehearsals will be every Monday-Friday 1:00-5:00 PM from June 3rd-June 7th All students are required to attend each day. Friday, July 21st dinner break TBA.
There will not be a set build for this show.
FRIDAY: June 7th @ 7pm
SATURDAY: June 8th @ 7pm
Due to the shortened rehearsal period and shortened performance schedule, this production does not count towards an Ovation Award.
Costumes are provided by Genesis. Supplemental items & shoes from your wardrobe.
Students are required to be present at all rehearsals and shows. Please do not schedule any appointments or events for your student during this rehearsal period.
Please send a snack, a personal water bottle, and pencil each day to rehearsal.
Please help your student at home to memorize their lines.
Tickets will be available for purchase online, so buy early!